Sunday, September 26, 2004


The German Army is Thinly Skinned

Davids Medienkritik reports the reaction of Ralph Peters to Germany's objection to Peter's participation in a military Expo, due to a column Peters wrote critical of Germany.

"The Germans were to provide three tanks, two wheeled vehicles and about 30 soldiers as part of the German army’s display at the expo. (...)

"Peters said any boycott amounts to 'defacto censorship.'

"Called for comment at home in northern Virginia, Peters said, 'It’s perfectly all right for the Germans to call President Bush a Nazi, it’s perfectly all right for the Germans to criticize everything about America, to lionize [“Fahrenheit 911” director] Michael Moore and treat our soldiers as second-class human beings … but they want to try and censor the American media.'”

Talk about a fraudulent coalition. What potential threat anywhere in the world would take seriously a country that thinks 3 tanks, two vehicles, and 30 soldiers is a credible military contribution? I'd call it a fraudulent one!

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