Sunday, March 20, 2005


How it Looks from Iraq

Husayn Uthman is an Iraqi Blogger posting at

Uthman starts a recent post with a vivid description of his country's two year journey towards democracy:
It has been now two years since the United States, UK and other countries invaded our nation. It has been two years since Iraqis have had to live with daily violent attacks and rampant terrorism. It has been two years since our nation began being turned upside down. It has been two years since the road to democracy began.
And he asks the question that he is asked over and over. The question that is asked and answered by cynics in the West, but without any basis in fact. Uthman dares that such sceptics ask Iraqis:
Ask him if it was worth it. Ask him what is different. Ask him if he would go through it again, go ahead ask him, ask me, many of you have.

Now I answer you, I answer you on behalf of myself, and my countrymen. I dont care what your news tells you, what your television and newspapers say, this is how we feel. Despite all that has happened. Despite all the hurt, the pain, blood, sweat and tears. These two years have given us hope we never had.
And he concludes:
No, we will not give up, and we will not say that the last two years were a waste. They for all their trouble have been momentus. They for us, have been a turning point in history. Whether or not you agree, this is how it looks from Iraq.

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