Thursday, May 12, 2005


Operation Matador Updates

Chester at The Adventures of Chester has significantly stepped up the breadth and quality of his ongoing reporting of Operation Matador, with a Significant Event Log of Marine operations there.

Chester, along with Bill Roggio at The Fourth Rail, The Belmont Club, Donald Sensing at One Hand Clapping, and Winds of Change among others, have done an outstanding job of nearest real-time reporting of what I believe will be the final turning point (as in turning over in the grave) of the Iraqi "insurgency."

In practical terms, I am convinced it will spell the end of significant Al Qaeda activity in Iraq. And this is more significant than most in the mainstream media realize, as without Al Qaeda and other outside agitation, funding, fighters, and munitions, this insurgency ends.

Nearing the end of a long slog, Semper Fi!

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