Thursday, June 22, 2006


Absolute Moral Authority

I found the perfect expression of contempt and anger for the brutality we’ve recently (and repeatedly) witnessed from our enemies in Iraq, and elsewhere, courtesy of an absolute moral authority.

Go read the whole thing, as only Some Soldier's Mom could write it.

Afterwards, if you’re looking for a way to honor and offer condolences for the families of the soldiers PFC Tucker, PFC Menchaca, and SPC Babineau, do as Blackfive suggests:

Soldiers' Angels are collecting cards and letters for the families of Thomas Tucker, Kristian Menchaca, and David Babineau.

You can send your condolences and notes of encouragement to:

Soldiers' Angels
1792 E. Washington Blvd
Pasadena Ca 91104

Soldiers' Angels also will provide a living tree to honor each of them.

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