Saturday, May 05, 2007


Support -- More than Just a Bumper Sticker

No break, next panel up...

Sorry for the brevity of this summary, I sort of ran out of steam: a combination of blisters on my two typing fingers (despite the frequent use of a fire extinguisher, biological necessity, and feeling like I missed all the social interaction. (It always seems at these things that great conversations take place in the lobby, hallways, during the Panels.)

This panel has the REAL heroes, plus Chuck...

Sandra Edens, Sew Much Comfort
Roxie Merritt for OSD / America Supports You
Patti Patton-Bader, Soldiers' Angels
Mary Ann Phillips for Soldiers' Angels Germany

Talking about Walter Reed, restricting packages/mail from non-family members...

Patti has to sneak people in. They say, if they need more people to handle/sort, call SA and they'll have 100 people on the doorstep. Frustrating when they hear that there's a wounded soldier who hasn't gotten anything.

Chuck: What a great opportunity for FEDEX, UPS, to make a donation to SA to help get the mail and packages to the troops!

Hook at the Mike: Thank you for what you do for the soldiers.

Anti-Media at Mike: Untapped potential, Vietnam Vets.

Patti: A lot of folks who are stepping forward are the Vietnam era veterans. A lot are getting involved.


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