Thursday, June 05, 2008


An Offer He Shouldn’t Refuse

Independent Journalist Michael Yon challenges Senators with an offer they shouldn’t refuse:
I hereby offer to accompany any Senator to Iraq, whether they are pro-or anti-war, Democrat or Republican. I will make this offer personally to a few select Senators as well. Our conversations during the visit would be on- or off-record, as they wish. Touring Iraq with me, as well as briefings by U.S. officers and meetings with Iraqis, would provide an accurate and nuanced account of the progress and challenges ahead, so that the Senators might have a highly informed perspective on this most critical issue. Our civilian leaders need to make decisions based on the best information available. The only way to learn what is really going on in Iraq is to go there and listen to our ground commanders, who know what they are doing.
Pete Hegseth just challenged Sen. Obama to make a trip to Iraq, something he hasn’t done in 2 ½ years.

As Yon observes:
Whether any Senators take advantage of my offer, I do hope that the presidential candidates visit Iraq, not just for a photo opportunity, but to spend time with our commanders and combat veterans, who know the truth and are not afraid to speak it.
Sounds like Yon’s offer comes at a good time for Obama, if he wants to speak of Iraq from knowledge and authority, that is.

(Both links courtesy of Dawn Patrol.)

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