Friday, August 29, 2008


Change You Can Believe In (Really)

Many among us are disappointed that Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal will stay home from the Republican National Convention, to attend to preparations and potential emergency response to Gustav.

Fortunately, Jindal gave us a taste of what he would have said at the Convention, writing at the Wall Street Journal.

The true fiscal conservatism embodied in Jindal’s remarkable administration in previously basket-case Louisiana represents the kind of change our Nation should really be seeking. In stark contrast to the corrupt and helpless Democratic administrations he displaced, Jindal has greatly enhanced Louisiana’s business climate and dramatically re-architected a moribund, political spoils-driven bureaucracy.

How did Jindal do it? Cutting government waste and fraud, imposing real ethics reform -- in contrast to the Chicago-style phony reforms that let party bosses line their pockets – and most of all, making Louisiana the place people want to do business and create jobs.

Jindal speaks to the results:

Thanks in large part to these reforms and our aggressive efforts to attract new business investment, our economy today is strong. Compared to the nation as a whole, Louisiana's economy is growing substantially faster, and our state has considerably lower unemployment levels.

The rest of the country is starting to take notice. Citing strong fiscal management, three major credit-rating agencies -- Moody's, Standard & Poor's, and Fitch -- recently upgraded Louisiana's bond ratings. The Center for Public Integrity noted that Louisiana's new governmental ethics laws regarding legislative disclosure will increase our ranking to first in the country, from 44th. For the first time, U.S. News & World Report ranked LSU in the top tier of its list of America's Best Colleges. And Forbes magazine increased its growth-prospects ranking for Louisiana to 17th from 45th.

What do the New Democrats offer? Based on Obama’s Convention Speech, much, much more of the same old, same old. So much for change.

New Republicans? Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal. Who’d have guessed?

(Via The Corner)


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